Android vs. iOS App Development: Pros and Cons to Consider for Maximum Reach

We all know about the popularity of Mobile apps in terms of development and usage. According to Statista, Meta-powered apps such as Instagram and Facebook were the most downloaded apps globally in 2024. Facebook was the highest social media app with 59 million downloads and Instagram followed with 58 million downloads. Companies around the world want to excel in mobile app development or launch the best apps. It is important to know the difference between iOS App Development and Android App Development. With the knowledge of both app development, you can choose better for your business. 

However, creating a successful mobile app needs excellent planning, fresh ideas, and bold decisions. Android with a 70.7% market share maintained the leading position globally followed by its closest competitor Apple iOS with a 28.5 percent market share. You might want to choose Android app development only to reduce the time and costs to market. But there are some aspects to understand. In some cases, only the iOS app development will benefit or build an app for both platforms. Let’s discuss this in detail.

Android vs. iOS App Development

iOS App Development

Android is an open-source operating system. It was developed by Google making it user-friendly for companies like Sony, LG, Samsung, Huawei, and Xiaomi. It has an open-source nature which allows attracting developers and businesses and cost-free utilization. 

Earlier, Android app development only relied on Java. Since 2019, Google designated a modern programming language Kotlin. It is designed by JetBrainsas which facilitates interoperability with Java.

On the contrary, Apple’s iOS is exclusive to only Apple products. It offers a closed-off environment with a standardized UI. It also limits customization options but ensures aesthetic visuals. iOS apps are developed using the programming language Swift. It was introduced in 2014 and replaced its earlier language, Objective-C. 

Swift allows modern developer solutions but also maintains compatibility with its old Objective-C code. It underscores iOS’ commitment to continuity and innovation in software development

Market Share70.7%28.5%
Programming LanguagesJava, KotlinSwift, Objective-C
Development ComplexityMore complex (because of device fragmentation)Less complex (because of fewer devices and a controlled ecosystem)
CustomizationMore flexible for custom UI and featuresLess flexible due to the design guidelines of Apple
Development CostUsually lower due to a larger developer poolhigher due to a stricter app review process
App Store ApprovalLess strict review processMore strict review process with high-quality standards
User BaseMore Diverse Skews towards younger, tech-savvy users
iOS App Development

Pros and Cons of Android and iOS App Development

When we discuss mobile app development, Android and iOS app development have distinct differences. Now, let’s compare these two platforms in terms of programming languages, development environment, and app distribution.

Development environment

iOS app Development needs Apple’s integrated development environment (IDE) called Xcode. Xcode provides a useful set of tools and features for iOS app development, including app testing, code editing, and debugging. It is available for macOS exclusively. 

In contrast, Android app development uses Google’s official IDE built on IntelliJ IDEA and Android Studio. Android Studio offers a set of features and tools, supporting app development on Windows, Linus, and macOS. 

Programming Language

iOS app development particularly uses Swift. It is a powerful and modern programming language developed by Apple.

Swift offers a strong type inference, concise syntax, and memory safety features. It makes it easier to write efficient and safe code. Android App development uses a popular programming language Java. It is known for its versatility and simplicity. 

However, Android also uses Kotlin which is a modern programming language. It offers enhanced safety features, concise syntax, and the best interoperability with Java.

App Distribution

iOS apps can be downloaded through the Apple App Store. Apple App Store is a leveraged marketplace that ensures security and quality. The App Store follows strict app, review, submission, and approval guidelines. This approach offers assurance to users but supports stricter compliance requirements. 

On the other hand, Android apps can be reached via Google Play Store or any third-party app store. The Google Play Store has an open approach that allows for faster app distribution and submission. However, developers have to be vigilant against security risks for users.

App Distribution

Final Verdict

iOS and Android dominate the mobile app development market. They offer opportunities for businesses alike and developers. It is crucial to understand each characteristic and scope of every platform before you step into mobile app development

Whether you choose Android or iOS app development, it is important to learn the development environments, programming language, and app distribution. So explore the world of Android and iOS app development, and bring your app ideas to life. 

We at Softech Systems, provide one of the best app development services worldwide. We provide agile software development and web development services. We have helped many businesses grow. Contact us today to learn more!

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